Wissenschaftliche Studien Literaturliste
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- Wirkungen des Yoga
- Wissenschaftliche Studien zu Yoga
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Meditation
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Ayurveda
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Tiefenentspannung
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Kirtan- und Mantrasingen
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Yoga für Kinder und Jugendliche
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Vollständige Studien
- Transformationsprozesse während einer vierwöchigen Yogalehrer Intensivausbildung
- Transformationsprozesse während einer zweijährigen Yogalehrer Ausbildung
- Klinische Wirkung verschiedener Yoga-Interventionen
- Zusammenhänge zwischen Achtsamkeit, Fröhlichkeit und innerer Verbundenheit bei Yogapraktizierenden
Literaturliste Yoga
Unkommentierte wissenschaftliche Studien
Yoga bei Störungen des vegetativen/autonomen Nervensystems (Herzschlag, Blutdruck, Atmung)
Untere wissenschaftliche Studien zitiert nach http://www.ceyoga.de/Yogaforschung.php
- Bharshankar, J. R., Bharshankar, R. N.,Deshpande, V. N., Kaore, S. B. & Gosavi, G. B. (2003). Effect of Yoga on Cardiovascular System in Subjects above 40 Years. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmakology,47(2), 202-206.
- Khattab, K., Khattab, A. A., Ortak, J., Richardt, G. & Bonemeier, H. (2007). Iyengar Yoga Increases Cardiac Parasympathetic Nervous Modulation Among Healthy Yoga Practitioners. eCAM,4(4)511-517.
Yoga bei Asthma bronchiale
- Bidwell, Amy J.; Yazel, Beth; Davin, David; Fairchild, Timothy J.; Kanaley, Jill A. (2012): Yoga training improves quality of life in women with asthma. In: J Altern Complement Med 18 (8), S. 749-755.
- Burgess, John; Ekanayake, Buddhini; Lowe, Adrian; Dunt, David; Thien, Francis; Dharmage, Shyamali C. (2011): Systematic review of the effectiveness of breathing retraining in asthma management. In: Expert Rev Respir Med 5 (6), S.789-807.
- Lehrer, Paul; Feldman, Jonathan; Giardino, Nicholas; Song, Hye-Sue; Schmaling, Karen (2002): Psychological aspects of asthma. In: J Consult Clin Psychol 70 (3), S. 691-711.
- Kligler, Benjamin; Homel, Peter; Blank, Arthur E.; Kenney, Jeanne; Levenson, Hanniel; Merrell, Woodson (2011): Randomized trial of the effect of an integrative medicine approach to the management ot asthma in adults on disease-related quality of life and pulmonary function. In: Altern Ther Health Med 17 (1), S. 10-15.
- Nagarathna, R. & Nagendra, H. R. (2007). Yoga for bronchial asthma: a controlled study. British Medical Journal,291: 1077-1079.
- Posadzki, Paul; Ernst, Edzard (2011}: Yoga for asthma? A systematic review of randomized clinical trials. In: J Asthma 48 (6), S. 632-639.
- Singh, Savita; Soni, Ritu; Singh, K. P.; Tandon,0. P. (2012): Effect of yoga practices on pulmonary function tests induding transfer factor of lung for carbon monoxide (TLCO) in asthma patients. In: Indian J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 56 (1), S. 63-68.
- Sodhi, Candy; Singh, Sheena; Dandona, P. K. (2009): A study of the effect of yoga training on pulmonary functions in patients with bronchial asthma. In: Indian J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 53 (2), S. 169-174.
Yoga bei Diabetes mellitus
- Aljasir, Badr; Bryson, Maggie; Al-Shehri, Bandar (2010): Yoga Practice for the Management of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Adults: A systematic review. In: Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 7 (4), S. 399-408.
- Hegde, S. V.; Adhikari, P.; Kotian, S.; Pinto, V. J.; D'Souza, S.; D'Souza, V. (2011):Effect of 3-Month Yoga on Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetes With or Without Complications: A controlled clinical trial. In: Diabetes Care 34 (10), S. 2208-2210.
- Innes, K. E., Bourguignon, C. & Taylor, A. G. (2005).Risk Indices Associated with the Insulin Resistance Syndrome, Cardiovascular Disease, and Possible Protection with Yoga: A Systematic Review. J Am Board Fam Pract,18, 491-519.
- Innes, K. E. & Vincent, H. K. (2007).The Influence of Yoga-Based Programs on Risk Profiles in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. eCAM,4(4), 469-486.
- Kerr, D., Gillam, E., Ryder, J., Trowbridge, S., Cavan, D. & Thomas, P. (2002).An Eastern art form for a Western disease: randomised controlled trial of Yoga in patients with poorly controlled insulintreated diabetes. Practical Diabetes Int,19(6): 164-166.
- Kosuri, M. & Sridhar, G. R. (2009). Yoga Practice in Diabetes Improves Physical and Psychological Outcomes. Metabolic Syndrome and related Disorders,7(6): 515-518.
- Nagarathna, R.; Usharani, M.R.; Rao, A. Raghavendra; Chaku,R.: Kulkarni, R.;Nagendra, H. R. (2012): Efficacy of yoga based lifstyle modification program on medication score and lipid profile in type 2 diabetes - a randomizcd control study. In: Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries 32 (3), S. 122-130.
- Yang, Kyeongra; Bernardo, Lisa M.; Sereika, Susan M.; Conroy, Molly B.; Balk,Judy; Burke, Lora E.(2011): Utilization of 3-month yoga program for adults at high risk for type 2
diabetes: a pilot study. In: Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011, S.257891.
Yoga bei hormonellen Beschwerden (Schilddrüse, Menopause)
Untere wissenschaftliche Studien zitiert nach http://www.ceyoga.de/Yogaforschung.php
- Chatta, R., Nagarathna, R., Padmalatha, V. & Nagendra, H. R. (2008).Effect of yoga on cognitive functions in climacteric syndrome: a randomised control study. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,(115), 991-1000.
- Rawal, S. B., Singh, M. V., Tyagi, A. K., Selvamurthy, W. & Chaudhuri, B. N. (1994). Effect of yogic exercises on thyroid function in subjects resident at sea level upon exposure to high altitude. Int J Biometeorol,38:44-47.
Yoga und Psyche: Stress, Burnout, Depression, Angststörungen, neuropsychiatrische Erkrankungen
Untere wissenschaftliche Studien zitiert nach http://www.ceyoga.de/Yogaforschung.php
- Balasubramaniam, Meera; Teiles, Shirley; Doraiswamy, P. Murali (2012): Yoga on our minds: a systematic review of yoga for neuropsychiatric disorders. In: Front Psychiatry 3, S. 117.
- Brandt, Steffen, Dipl. Psych., Yogalehrer (2006): Wissenschaftliche Studie über die psychologischen Auswirkungen des Yoga. Online verfügbar unter http://www.yoga-vidya.de/downloads/Wirksamkeit_von_Yoga_und_autogenem_Training.pdf, zuletzt aktualisiert am 03.11.2006, zuletzt geprüft am 13.02.2013.
- Descilo, T., Vedamurtachar, A., Gerbarg, P. L., Nagaraja, D., Gangadhar, B. N., Damodaran, B., Adelson, B., Braslow, L. H., Marcus, S. & Brown, R. P. (2010).Effects of a yoga breath intervention alone and in combination with an exposure therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression in survivors of the 2004 South-East Asia tsunami. Acta Psychiatr Scand,121: 289-300.
- Edenfield, Teresa M.; Saeed. Sy Atezaz (2012): An update on mindfulness meditation as a self-help treatment for anxiety and depression. In: Psychol Res Behav Manag 5, S.131-141.
- Faucher, Mary Ann (2013): Mindfulness yoga improves scores on depression scales and fosters maternal-fetal attachment. In: J Midwifery Womens Health 58(1), S. 111-112.
- Ganpat, T. S. and Nagendra, H. R. (2011): Integrated yoga therapy for improving mental health in managers. Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 20(1): 45-48.
- Ganpat, T. S. and Nagendra, H. R. (2011): Yoga therapy for developing emotional intelligence in mid-life managers. Journal of Mid-Life Health, 2(1): 28-30.
- Gupta, N., Khera, S., Vempati, R. P., Sharma, R. & Bijlani, R. L. (2006).Effect of Yoga based Lifestyle Intervention on State and Trait Anxiety. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmakology,50(1), 41-47.
- Gura, S. T. (2003).Yoga for stress reduction and injury prevention at work. Work,19, 3-7.
- Hartfiel N, Havenhand J, Khalsa SB, Clarke G & Krayer A. (2010).The effectiveness of yoga for the improvement of well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace. Scand J Work Environ Health - online first.
- Janakiramaiah, N.; Gangadhar, B.N.; Naga Venkatesha Murthy, P. J.; Harish, M.G.; Subbakrishna, D. K.; Vedamurthachar, A.(2000): Antidepressant efficacy of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) in melancholia: a randomized comparison with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and imipramine. In: J Affect Disord 57(1-3), S.255-259.
- Khalsa SB, Shorter, S. M., Cope, S., Wyshak, G. & Sklar, E. (2009).Yoga Ameliorates Performance anxiety and Mood Disturbance in Young Professional Musicians. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback.34:279-289.
- Martin-Asuero, Andrés; Garcia-Banda, Gloria (2010): The Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction program (MBSR) reduces stress-related psychological distress in healthcare professionals. In: Span J Psychol 13 (2), S. 897-905.
- Michalsen, A., Grossman, P., Acil, A., Langhost, J, Lüdtke, R., Esch, T., Stefano, G. B. & Dobos, G. J. (2005).Rapid stress reduction and anxiolysis among distressed women as a consequence of a three-month intensive yoga program. Med Sci Monit.11(12): 555-561.
- Miller, J. J.; Fletcher, K.; Kabat-Zinn. J. (1995): Three-year follow-up and clinical implications of a mindfulness meditation-based stress reduction intervention in the treatment of anxiety disorders. In: Gen Hosp Psychiatry 17 (3), S.192-200.
- Moliver, N.; Mika, E.M.; Haussmann, R.E.; Khalsa, S.B.S.; Chartrand, M.S. (2013): Yoga experience as a predictor of psychological wellness in women over 45 years. In: Int J Yoga 6(1), S.11.
- Shapiro, D., Cook, I. A., Davydov, D. M., Ottaviani, C., Leuchter, A. F. & Abrams, M. (2007).Yoga Ameliorates Performance anxiety and Mood Disturbance in Young Professional Musicians. eCam.4(4): 493-502.
- Streeter, C. C., Whitfield, T. H., Owen, L., Rein, T., Karri, S. K., Yahkind, A., Perlmutter, R., Prescot, A., Renshaw, P. F., Ciraulo, D. A. & Jensen, J. E. (2010).Effects of Yoga Versus Walking on Mood, Anxiety, and Brain GABA Levels: A Randomized Controlled MRS Study. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,16(11):1-8.
- Telles, S., Singh, N., Joshi, M. & Balkrishna, A (2010).Post traumatic stress symptoms and heart rate variability in Bihar flood survivors following yoga: a randomized controlled study. BMC Psychiatry.10(18).
- Woolery, A., Myers, H., Sternlieb, B. & Zeltzer, L. (2004).A Yoga Intervention for Young Adults with elevated Symptoms of Depression. Altern Ther Health Med.10(2): 60-63.
Yoga für Betreuer/Pfleger von Patienten mit psychischen Erkrankungen
- Varambally, Shivarama; Vidyendaran, Sumathi; Sajjanar, Manganar; Thirtalli, Jagadisha; Hamza, Ameer; Nagendra, H.R.; Gangadhar, B.N. (2003): Yoga-based intervention for caregivers of outpatients with psychosis: A randomized controlled pilot study. In: Asian Journal of Psychiatry (0). Online verfügbar unter http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876201812001918.
Yoga bei Schlaganfall und koronaren Herzkrankheiten
Untere wissenschaftliche Studien zitiert nach http://www.ceyoga.de/Yogaforschung.php
- Alexander, Gina K.; Innes, Kim E.; Selfe, Terry K., Brown Cynthia J. (2013): "More than I expected": Perceived benefits of yoga practice among older adults at risk for cardiovascular disease. In: Complementary Therapies in Medicine 21(1), S. 14-28. Online verfügbar unter http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0965229912001574.
- Bastille, J. V. & Gill-Body; K. M. (2004).A Yoga-Based Exercise Program for People With Chronic Poststroke Hemiparesis,Physical Therapy84(1).
- Chan, Weili; Immink, Maarten A.; Hillier, Susan (2012): Yoga and exercise for symptoms of depression and anxiety in people with poststroke disability: a randomized, controlled pilot trial. In: Altern Ther Health Med 18 (3), S. 34-43.
- Kubo, Ai; Hung, Yun-Yi; Ritterman, Jeffrey (2011): Yoga for heart failure patients: a feasibility pilot study with a multiethnic population. In: lnt J Yoga Therap (21), S.77-83.
- Lau, Hoi Lam Caren; Kwong, Joey S. W.; Yeung, Fai; Chau, Pui Hing; Woo, Jean (2012): Yoga for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. In: Cochrane Database Syst Rev 12, S. CD009506.
Yoga bei Krebs (Therapiebegleitung und Nachbehandlung)
- Bower, Julienne E.; Garet, Deborah; Sternlieb, Beth; Ganz, Patricia A.; Irwin,Michael R.; Olmstead, Richard; Greendale,Gail(2012): Yoga for persistent fatigue in breast cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial. In: Cancer 118 (15), S. 3766-3775.
- Buettner, C., Kroenke, C. H., Phillips, R. S., Davis, R. B., Eisberg, D. M. & Holmes, M. D. (2007).Correlates of use of different types of complementary and alternative medicine by breast cancer survivors in the nurses’ health study,Breast Cancer Res Treat100: 219-227.
- Buffart,Laurien M.; van Uffelen, Jannique Gz; Riphagen,Ingrid I.; Brug, Johannes; van Mechelen, Willem; Brown, Wendy J.;Chinapaw, Mai Jm (2012): Physical and psychosocial benefits of yoga in cancer patients and survivors. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. In: BMC Cancer 12 (1). S. 559.
- Dhruva, Anand; Miaskowski, Christine; Abrams, Donald; Acree, Michael; Cooper, Bruce; Goodman, Steffanie; Hecht,Frederick M. (2012): Yoga breathing tor cancer chemotherapy associated symptoms and quality of life: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial. In: J Altern Complement Med 18 (5), S. 473-479.
- Moadel, A. B., Shah, C., Wylie-Rosett, J., Harris, M. S., Patel, S. R., Hall, C. B. & Sparano, J. A. (2007).Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga Among a Multiethnic Sample of Breast Cancer Patients: Effects on Quality of Life,Journal of Clinical Oncology25(28).
- Nagarathna, Raghuram; Ram, Amritanshu; Banerjee, Birendranath; Hosakote. Vadiraja S.; Rao, Raghavendra M. (2013): Comparison of lymphocyte apoptotic index and qualitativc DNA darnage in yoga practitioners and breast cancer patients: A pilot study. In: Int J Yoga 6 (1), S. 20.
Yoga als Therapie bei chronischen Schmerzen, Arthrose, Rückenschmerzen und als Rehabilitationstherapie
Studien zitiert nach http://www.ceyoga.de/Yogaforschung.php
- Carneiro, Kevin A.; Rittenberg, Joshua D.(2010): The role of exercise and alternative treatments for low back pain. In: Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 21 (4), S.777-792.
- Ebnezar, John; Nagarathna, Raghuram; Yogitha, Bali; Nagendra, Hongasandra Ramarao (2012): Effects of an integrated approach of hatha yoga therapy on functional disability, pain, and flexibility in osteoarthritis of the knee joint: a randomized controlled study. In: J Altern Complement Med 18 (5), S. 463-472.
- Evans, S., Tsao, J. & Zeltzer, L. (2009).Iyengar Yoga for Pediatric Chronic Pain. Pediatric Pain Letter,11(2), 12-16.
- Evans, Subhadra; Moieni, Mona; Lung, Kirsten; Tsao, Jennie; Sternlieb, Beth; Taylor, Mihaela; Zeltzer, Lonnie (2013):Impact of Iyengar Yoga on Quality of Life in Young Women with Rheumatoid Arthritis. In: Clin J Pain.
- Posadzki, Paul; Ernst,Edzard (2011): Yoga for low back pain: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. In: Clin. Rheumatol. 30 (9), S. 1257-1262.
- Tekur, P.; Nagarathna, R.; Chametcha, S.; Hankey, Alex; Nagendra, H.R. (2012): A comprehensive yoga program improves pain, anxiety and depression in chronic low back pain patients more than exercise: an RCT. In: Complement Ther Med 20(3), S. 107-118.
- Tilbrook, Helen E.; Cox, Helen; Hewitt, Catherine E.; Kang'ombe, Arthur Ricky; Chuang, Ling-Hsiang; Jayakody, Shalmini et al. (2011): Yoga for chronic low back pain: a randomized trial. In: Ann. Intern. Med. 155(9). S.569-578.
- Tul, Yvonne; Unruh, Anita; Dick, Bruce D.(2011): Yoga for chronic pain management: a qualitative exploration. In: Scand J Caring Sci 25 (3). S. 435-443.
Yoga bei Tinnitus
Lacosta Nicolás, J.L.; Garcia Cano, J. (2001): Perspectivas terapéuticas en los acúfenos subjetivos. In: An Otorrinolaringol Ibero Am 28 (1), S. 75-85.
Yoga für Senioren
Untere wissenschaftliche Studien zitiert nach http://www.ceyoga.de/Yogaforschung.php
- DiBenedetto, M., Innes, K. E., Taylor, A. G., Rodeheaver, P. F., Boxer, J. A., Wright, H. J. & Kerrigan,C. (2005).Effect of a Gentle Iyengar Yoga Program on Gait in the Elderly: An Exploratory Study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil,66, 1830-1837.
- Krucoff, C., Carson, K., Peterson, M., Shipp, K. & Krucoff, M. (2009).Teaching Yoga to Seniors: Essential Considerations to Enhance Safety and Reduce Risk in a Uniquely Vulnerable Age Group. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,16(8), 899-905.
Yoga bei Demenz
- Fan, Jue-Ting; Chen, Kuei-Min (2011): Using silver yoga exercises to promote physical and mental health of elders with dementia in long-term care facilities. In: Int Psychogeriatr 23(8), S. 1222-1230.
- Mallik, Amarnath (2013): Spirituality Practice as add on Therapy for Dementia Patients in a Geriatric Centre in India. By Dr. Amarnath Mallik and Dr. Debanjan Pan. In: Abstracts from the 2013 AAGP Annual Meeting 21 (3, Supplement), S. S154. Online verfügbar unter http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1064748112003144.
Yoga für Kinder und Jugendliche
- Field,Tiffany (2012): Exercise research on children and adolescents. In: Complement Ther Clin Pract 18 (1), S.54-59.
- Galantino, Mary Lou; Galbavy, Robyn: Quinn, Lauren (2008): Therapeutic effects of yoga for children: a systematic review of the literature. In: Pediatr Phys Ther 20 (1), S. 66-80.
- Nagakura, Toshikazu; Tanaka, Toshiaki: Arila, Masahiko; Nishikawa, Kiyoshi: Shigeta, Makoto; Wada, Nuriyuki et al. (2012): Salivary cortisol monitoring: determination of reference values in healthy children and application in asthmatic children. In: Allergy Asthma Proc 33 (4), S. 362-369.
- Peck, Heather L.; Thomas J. Kehle, Melissa a. Bray & Lea A. Theodore: Yoga as an Intervention for Children With Attention Problems. School Psychology Review, 34, 2005, 415-424.
- Platania-Solazzo, A.; Field, T. M.; Blank, J.; Seligman, F.; Kuhn, C.; Schanberg, S.; Saab, P. (1992): Relaxation therapy reduces anxiety in child and adolescent psychiatric patients. In: Acta Paedopsychiatr 55 (2), S. 115-120.
- Stueck, M. & N.Gloeckner: Yoga for children in the mirror of the science: Working spectrum and practice fields of the Training of Relaxation with Elements of Yoga for Children. Early Child Development and Care, 175, 2005,371-377
Yoga für Schwangere
- Muzik, Maria; Hamilton, Susan E.; Lisa Rosenblum, Katherine; Waxler, Ellen; Hadi, Zahra (2012): Mindfulness yoga during pregnancy for psychiatrically at-risk women: preliminary results from a pilot feasibility study. In: Complement Ther Clin Pract 18(4), S. 235-240.
- Nagarathna, R.; Jayashree, R.; Malini, A.; Rakhshani, A.; Nagendra, H.R.; Gunasheela, S: (2013): Effect of the integrated approach of yoga therapy on platelet count and uric acid in pregnancy: A multicenter stratified randomized single-blind study. In: Int J Yoga 6(1), S. 39.
- Tlapáková, Eva; Jelen, karel; Minaliková, Marcela (2011): The relationship between pelvis inclination, exercise and low back pain (LBP) during pregnancy. Online verfügbar unter: http://www.gymnica.upol.cz/index.php/gymnica/article/view/184/190.
Auswirkungen von Yoga auf das Gehirn
- Froeliger, Brett; Garland, Eric L.; McClernon, F. Joseph (2012): Yoga meditation practitioners exhibit greater gray matter volume and fewer reported cognitive failures: results of a preliminary voxel-based morphometric analysis. In: Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2012, S. 821307.
Genetische Auswirkungen von Yoga
- Saatcioglu, Fahri (2013); Regulation of gene expression by yoga, meditation and related practices: A review of recent studies. In: This issue includes a special section on Spirituality and Psychiatry 6(1), S. 74-77. Online verfügbar unter http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876201812001931.
Siehe auch
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Yoga
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Meditation
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Ayurveda
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Tiefenentspannung
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Yoga für Kinder und Jugendliche
- Wissenschaftliche Studien Kirtan- und Mantrasingen
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