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bhavabhuti (Sanskrit: bhavabhūti m.) Ein bekannter Dichter, der Werke in Sanskrit verfaßt hat. Bhavabhuti war der Verfasser der drei besten, noch vorhandenen Sanskrit Dramen, das Mahauira Carita, Uttara Rama Carita und Malati Madhaua. Er war auch als Srikantha oder "Hals der Redegewandtheit" bekannt. Er war ein Brahmane und war entweder in Bedar oder Berar beheimatet. Aber Ujjayini oder seine Nachbarschaft scheinte, seiner eigenen lebhaften Beschreibung der

BHAVABHUTI. A celebrated dramatist, the author of three of the best extant Sanskrt dramas, theMahauira Carita, Uttara-Rama -Carita, and Malati Madhaua. He was also known as Srikantha, or 'throat of eloquence'. He was a brahma1,1a, and was a native either ofBedar or Berar, but Ujjayini or its neighbourhood would seem, from his vivid descriptions of the scenery, to have been the place of his residence. The eighth century is the period at which he flourished. His three plays have been translated by Wilson in blank verse, who says of Malati Madhaua, "The author is fond of an unreasonable display oflearning, and occasionally substitutes the phraseology oflogic or metaphysics for the language of poetry and nature. At the same time the beauties predominate over the defects, and the language ofthe drama is in general of extraordinary beauty and power."