Tiryaka Tadasana: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Tiryaka Tadasana - sich wiegende Palme
Tiryaka Tadasana - sich wiegende Palme
Stand with your feet a bit more than shoulder width apart. Interlock your fingers, turning the palms downwards. Inhale as you raise your arms up over your head (a). Exhale as you bend to the right side (b), then inhale as you straighten back up to the centre (a), then exhale as you bend over to the left side (c), then inhale as you straighten back up to the centre position (a). Repeat bending to right and left 7 more times without any break in the breathing. All 8 rounds should take no more than 60 seconds.

Version vom 18. Januar 2015, 17:04 Uhr

Tiryaka Tadasana - sich wiegende Palme

Stand with your feet a bit more than shoulder width apart. Interlock your fingers, turning the palms downwards. Inhale as you raise your arms up over your head (a). Exhale as you bend to the right side (b), then inhale as you straighten back up to the centre (a), then exhale as you bend over to the left side (c), then inhale as you straighten back up to the centre position (a). Repeat bending to right and left 7 more times without any break in the breathing. All 8 rounds should take no more than 60 seconds.