International Yoga Teacher Training

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Yoga Vorwaertsbeuge Paschimottanasana.jpg

International Yoga Teacher Training - Learn how to teach Yoga classes – an intensive 4-weeks International Yoga Teachers‘ Training at Yoga Vidya Ashram in Germany, Europes biggest and leading Yoga teacher’s institute – with more than 20 years of experience in training Yoga teachers and advanced yoga teachers trainings. More than 12,000 graduated content Yoga students successfully completed our trainings. Our experienced Yoga Trainers will provide you with a solid teaching know-how and the necessary background – an unforgettable experience!

International Yoga Teacher`s Training - 4 weeks intensive

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Live and practice yoga as you learn to teach it. This intensive training gives you hands-on experience to the classical yoga way of life which has been adapted to suit western culture.

About Yoga

Yoga is a practical system for developing the entire personality. Its benefits include good health, happiness, success, and peace of mind. Yoga Vidya teaches a holistic approach to classical yoga. It is an integral approach that was developed by Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, and brought to the West by Swami Vishnu-devananda.

Here at Haus Yoga Vidya, we present a synthesis of all the major techniques of yoga. Students find that continued practice enhances all aspects of life. Yoga Vidya offers this 4 weeks intensive International Yoga Teachers‘ Training course in Bad Meinberg, in the beautiful, pastoral region of northern Germany. Located about an hour south of Hannover, Bad Meinberg is an historic spa-town with clean air, fresh water, and miles of rejuvenating hiking trails. The perfect environment for your spiritual journey to evolve. Please join us for this deeply life-changing experience.

Teaching Yoga

Teaching yoga is a fulfilling task that demands a dedicated personal practice as well as a comprehensive knowledge of the ancient teachings of yoga. This course provides you with a thorough educational base for your own personal practice, as well as the skills to teach a variety of classes to all types of students. Upon successful graduation you will receive a widely accepted certificate, and Yoga Alliance 200 certification. If your aim is to develop your personality or experience yoga at a deeper level, this course is highly recommended.

Course Content

1. Introduction

  • Philosophy and Aim of Yoga
  • History of Yoga
  • Paths of Yoga
  • Main Schools of Yoga
  • Masters of Yoga

2. Hatha Yoga - an overview

  • As a path to general good health and well-being
Therapy and healing
As a means of developing mental capacity
As physical approach to psychotherapy
As spiritual exercise
  • Preparatory exercises
Sensitivity and physical awareness
Mental excercises
Warm-up exercises
Eye exercises
Sun Salutations
  • Relaxation
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Classical relaxation, Yoga-Nidra
Relaxation techniques for daily life
Progressive Muscle Relaxation according to Jacobson
Modern stress-research and stress-management
  • Asanas (Yoga Postures)
Rishikesh sequence with its 12 basic postures
Asanas for relaxation
Yoga for the back and spine
Yoga in comparison to other forms of physical training
Yoga and sports training
Asanas and physiological research
Asanas for general fitness
Introduction to demanding sequences
Asanas for the flow of life-energy: prolonged holding of asanas, combined with chakra concentration, special breathing techniques, mantras, bandhas, mudras
Asanas for personal growth and development
  • Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)
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Breathing techniques for daily life
Breath control
Easy pranayama for relaxation and recharging
Samanu: psychic cleansing
Advanced pranayama according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  • Kriyas (Yoga Cleansing Excercises)
Shat kriyas (6 purification techniques) according to the classical text "Hatha Yoga Pradipika": Tratak (eye cleansing), Neti (nasal cleansing), Kapalabhati (lung cleansing), Dhauti (throat and stomach cleansing), Nauli (small intestine cleansing), Basti (colon cleansing). Shank Prakshalama (total intestine cleansing)
  • Physiology and Health
Understanding the physical body in relation to yoga exercises
Muscle and bone structure
Respiratory system
Digestive system
Nervous sytems and hormones
Physiological effects of yoga
Physiology of movement
Sport medicine theory and research
  • Health
What is health? Reasons for disease
Healthy, holistic living
Yogic remedies for the treatment of minor illnesses such as colds, hayfever, headache, allergies and constipation
Yoga as therapy: remaining healthy and well to old age
Healing through mental training
  • Ayurveda
Health and disease
The three Doshas
Correct living according to your body type
Ayurvedic food
  • Nutrition
Natural nutrition; reasons for a vegetarian diet
The mental and energetic effects of food
Nutrition and advanced Hatha Yoga
Fasting. slimming and staying slim
Special nutrition and diets

3. Tantra and Kundalini Yoga: energy training

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  • Theory: Shiva-Shakti Philosophy
  • The astral body: Prana, Nadis, Chakras, Kundalini
  • Astral World, spirits and life after death
  • Help for the deceased
  • Opening of chakras
  • Parapsychological phenomena: clairvoyance, channeling, mindreading, psychokinetics, extrasensory perception
  • Kundalini awakening: methods, experiences, dangers and security measures
  • Techniques of Kundalini Yoga: Mantra, Laya, Yantra, Nada, Hatha Yoga
  • White, red and black Tantra
  • Sexuality and relationships

4. Raja Yoga: mental training and meditation

  • The human psyche: subconsciousness, consciousness, super-consciousness.
  • Raja Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
  • Yamas und Niyamas
  • The Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga
  • Thought-power and positive thinking
  • Thoughts as creators of your destiny
  • Development of memory, willpower, concentration, creativity and intuition.
  • Dealing with feelings and emotions.
  • Affirmation and visualisation.
  • Charisma and personal charm.
  • How to overcome negative habits.
  • Levels of consciousness and expanded consciousness.
  • Raja Yoga and modern neuroscience.
  • Indian and Western psychology in comparison.


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  • Techniques of concentration
  • Awareness in daily life
  • Techniques of meditation: Mantra-Meditation, Tratak, Chakra-Meditation, Energy-Meditation,
  • Awareness-Meditation, Expansion-Meditation,
  • Abstract Meditation, creative visualisation.
  • Levels of meditation.
  • Overcoming obstacles in meditation
  • Experiences with meditation
  • Meditation and scientific research

5. Karma Yoga: Yoga of Action

  • Karma, the law of cause and effect
  • Dharma: right conduct

Reincarnation: death, life after death,

  • Ethics in daily life.
  • Ahimsa: non-violence
  • Swadharma and Swarupa: the art of right decision making
  • Detached service and spirituality
  • Living in harmony
  • How to deal with difficult persons
  • Rhetoric training and communication training
  • Enhancing your relationships
  • The ascetic way
  • Simple living - high thinking
  • Ecological consciousness and social engagement

6. Bhakti Yoga: the devotional approach

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  • Feelings and emotions
  • The miracle of Love
  • What is God?
  • Experiences of the Divine
  • Contacting the Divine
  • God in your daily life
  • Prayer
  • Hindu mythology
  • Kirtan: chanting
  • Rituals: Arati, Puja, Homa
  • Possibility of Mantra Initiation
  • Guru and disciple
  • Christian, Jewish and Islamic schools of mysticism

7. Jnana Yoga: Yoga of Knowledge

  • Introduction to the classical scriptures of Hinduism, Vedas, Smritis, Itihasas, Puranas
  • Important scriptures of the Yoga tradition: Upanishads, Brahma Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Bhakti Sutras
  • Physical, astral and causal bodies Levels of spiritual growth (7 Bhumikas)
  • Cosmology and Creation: Time, space and causality
  • Vedanta: Philosophy of the Absolute. Who am I? What is real? What is consciousness? What is happiness?
  • Self as Existence, Knowledge and Bliss
  • Modern Physics and Vedanta

8. Yoga teaching techniques

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  • Basic principles of yoga teaching
  • Personality and inner attitude of a yoga teacher
  • Rhetoric training, structure of a yoga class.
  • Structure of courses and classes: Beginners, intermediate and advanced courses, workshops
  • Yoga for the back and spine
  • Correction of posture through yoga
  • Yoga for pregnancy
  • Yoga for children
  • Yoga for senior citizens
  • Benefits and restrictions of yoga therapy
  • Yoga-teaching as a profession and calling

Yoga Vidya Teachers Association

After you complete the Yoga Vidya 4 week teacher training course, you are eligible to join the Yoga Vidya Teacher’s Association (“Berufsverband der Yoga Vidya Lehrer”). It is one of Europe’s leading institutions in the education of yoga teachers. It offers an extensive range of continuing education, advanced training and courses in yoga and relatied topics to teachers from all traditions.

Completion of the Yoga Vidya 4 week intensive TTC certifies you at the Yoga Alliance 200 level following your application to the Yoga Alliance organization.

4-Weeks-Intensive Course

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This is your opportunity to connect to your intuition, awaken your life energy, and enhance your personal aura. There will be lectures and workshops giving you the necessary theoretical skills to teach. You will also work in smaller groups to refine your practical skills. This course is also recommended for people who simply wish to experience yoga at an in-depth level and who desire enhanced personal growth with no obligation to teach.

During this intensive course you will be living and practicing yoga 24 hours a day for four weeks.

The following is the basic daily schedule:

6.00-08.30 a.m. Morning Meditation, Chanting, Lecture. Early morning is a time of strong spiritual vibrations; this will aid your meditation and help it to grow deep and intense.
8.45-11.00 a.m. Asanas, Pranayama, Relaxation class
11.00 a.m. Breakfast/Lunch.
12 noon Karma Yoga* (selfless service for 45 minutes to one hour), leisure time
2.00-3.45 p.m. Lecture, Workshop
4.00-6.10 p.m. Asanas, Pranayama, Relaxation, teaching skills in small groups of students
6.10 p.m. Dinner, Leisure time
8.00-10.00 p.m. Evening Meditation, Chanting, Lecture
  • every student helps for 45 minutes with different work in the house. Karma Yoga, selfless service, is an important Yoga aspect for personal and spiritual growth

Exam: There will be written and practical exams at the completion of Yoga Vidya Teacher Training Course.

Certificate - Yoga Alliance

Upon completion of the 4-Week-Intensive TTC course and exam you will be awarded a yoga teachers certificate by the Yoga Vidya Teachers Association (BYV). This certificate enjoys wide recognition and you are also eligible for the RYT 200 hour Yoga Alliance registration.


There are two organic nutritious lacto-vegetarian/vegan meals every day (brunch at 11.00 a.m. and dinner at 6.10 p.m.). The meals are served buffet-style and include both hot and cold dishes, and are prepared with love and care; all ingredients are strictly organic. If you have special requests, please notify us at least one week in advance.


Fridays are reserved for your leisure, from 9.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. there will be no classes. You can use the time for walks, cycling tours, swimming, saunas, trips into the country and relaxation.


A basic knowledge of asanas and the philosophy of yoga is helpful. You need not be an advanced student to attend the Yoga Vidya Teachers' Training Course. However, the course is demanding and requires your discipline. Participation in all classes, lectures and seminars is mandatory. Meat, fish, eggs, tobacco, caffeine and alcoholic beverages are strictly forbidden during the course. Additionally, we recommend you read "The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga" by Swami Vishnu-Devananda before entering the course.

Arrival and Departure

Your room will be ready at 3.00 p.m. the day of your arrival. There is a yoga class at 4.00 p.m. and dinner at 5.30 p.m. The course will officially start at 7.00 p.m. Departure time on the final day is 1.00 p.m. Due to the intensity of training it won´t be possible to arrive later or depart earlier, or to miss a day in between. There is a shuttle service from the train station in Horn-Bad Meinberg (If you plan to use this please notify us at least 3 days prior to arrival).

What you should bring

  • "Bhagavad Gita" with commentary by Swami Sivananda,
  • towels, alarmclock,
  • bed linens (which may be rented for a fee of 5 €),
  • yellow shirt and one pair of white trousers for your teaching in the small group of students,
  • comfortable indoor slippers
  • plus personal items and toiletries.
  • Optional: musical instruments for chanting and talent shows, all-weather clothing for country walks.



Acharya Harilalji - completed his Yoga Teacher training course and Advanced Yoga Teacher Training course at Sivananda Ashram in Neyyar Dam, Kerala, attaining the title Yoga-Acharya. Afterwards he lived and taught yoga in Sivananda Ashram both in Kerala and the Himalayas for 1 1/2 years. Furthermore he completed a seven month full-time diploma course/ practice in yoga therapy (Yoga Therapy Instructors Course) at Prasanthi kutir, Bangalore with 'A' grade. In his teaching he easily recognizes both weak and strong areas in his students physicality and accordingly can suggest different asanas or variations depending on the individual. He is also the tutor in 'Nagelil' Ayurveda Medical College in Idukki district, Kerala and focuses on bringing the different aspects of yoga together in his teaching.


Date: July 3 - July 31 in 2022
Location: Bad Meinberg
Register: B220703-1
Title: Yoga Teachers Training TTC in English (intensive, 4 weeks)
Instructor: Harilalj, Meera Karanath
Shared room €2.455; double room €2.929, single room €3.420; dormitory/tent/camp mobile €2.080
Price includes accommodations, all trainings, classes, teachings, certification and meals.

How to reach us / Contact

You can reach Bad Meinberg by flight and train. Nearest airports are Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport and Hannover Airport. Good connecting flights and/or train connections exist from Frankfurt International airport.

For example:

Flight to Frankfurt/Main International, connecting flight to Paderborn-Lippstadt, bus from airport to Paderborn main station, train to Horn-Bad Meinberg station, pick-up service


Flight to Frankfurt/Main International Airport, train from Airport Train station via Kassel (or various other connections) to Horn-Bad Meinberg station, pick-up service


Flight to Hannover Airport, Train “S5” (direction “Paderborn”) from airport to Steinheim/Westfalen station. From there we can provide pick-up service. For more information kindly contact:

Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg
Yogaweg 7
D-32805 Bad Meinberg
Tel. +49 (0) 5234 87-0
Fax +495234 / 87-1875
E-Mail: badmeinberg(at)

What is Yoga Vidya?

Yoga Vidya is a non-profit association and Europe's leading provider of education and training in yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, massage, holistic health and spirituality.

Why Yoga Vidya?

Our courses and trainings are open to everyone who’s interested in learning about yoga, meditation, and holistic and alternative methods for consultation and treatment in any related field.

Even if you don’t want to use this knowledge professionally, but want to go learn about alternative health and lifestyles for your personal growth, our courses are perfectly suited to you. Yoga Vidya offers a wide range of trainings with a holistic approach.

Our courses are characterized by an organic combination of theory and practice. In our energetically charged and protected atmosphere, away from everyday life, learning takes place on many levels.

The Yoga Vidya schedule integrates yoga, meditation, lectures and kirtan singing. You get the necessary energy to put what you have learned into practice – and the strength to share your knowledge as a teacher.

Acquire knowledge, improve expertise and recharge your energy: thanks to specific training content and the basic spiritual practices of yoga, you will feel recharged. Often you’ll be more refreshed than after an ordinary vacation!

Success-proven concept with a good reputation: for more than 25 years, Yoga Vidya has been Europe's leading yoga instructor institution and has brought forth yoga teachers with its proven system. This concept has been successfully transferred to other training courses.

High quality standards: training courses are led by highly qualified professionals who practice and live what they teach. They offer much wisdom and practical knowledge.Trainings have re-started the lives of more than 18,000 satisfied graduates. All trainings come with a degree and certificate. Our trainings take place in cooperation with the Academy of Cultures in NRW. Most are recognized for legal educational leave.

Inexpensive inclusive prices: as a non-profit organization, we can provide high quality at uniquely low prices. Participants in trainings are asked to contribute 45 minutes of their time daily. This helps to keep prices down and encourages a more inclusive atmosphere among staff and seminar participants.

Healthy Living and Ecology: Yoga Vidya is a smoke-free and alcohol-free environment. Photovoltaic power and heat generation are from a neighboring biogas plant. We serve only healthy organic vegetarian and vegan whole foods; our kitchen in Bad Meinberg is Germany's largest certified organic kitchen!

We look forward to seeing you! Your Yoga Vidya Team

See also

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