Yoga Practice Video Podcast

Aus Yogawiki

Yoga Practice Video Podcast: Yoga classes, Yoga relaxation techniques, Asanas, breathing exercises for daily life. Gives you new energy, relaxation and recharges you from within. Produced by Yoga Vidya, Europe's leading Yoga organisation.


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Yoga Practice Video Podcast - aktuelle Folgen

Instructions on Hatha Yoga and Meditation.

Yoga Turtle Kurmasana

Follow along with this advanced demonstration of the yoga turtle posture, also called kurmasana. Demonstrated by Santosha. Camera: Ravidas. Speaker: Sita.

Visit Yoga Vidya in Germany and…

Podcaster 2021-10-31 04:00:00
Shoulder Stand in Lotus

Follow along or just watch this advanced demonstration of the shoulder stand in lotus posture. The shoulder stand in lotus position is the favored final position for the legs because prana, or lif…

Podcaster 2021-10-03 03:00:00
Intermediate Warrior Sequence

This intermediate level warrior sequence is especially good for increasing flexibility in the side of the body and the back, and increasing back strength as well as leg strength. Follow along with…

Podcaster 2021-10-03 03:00:00
Yoga Triangle Variations

Learn how to do these advanced beginner to intermediate level variations of the triangle, trikonasana, which give a nice added twist to the back. Demonstrated by Chris. Camera: Chandrashekara. Voi…

Podcaster 2021-09-26 03:00:00
Crow (Crane) to Headstand

This advanced yoga demonstration of the yoga crow (or crane) posture, to headstand, and back to the crow, is an advanced variation that is very helpful for building up strength in the upper body.…

Podcaster 2021-08-08 03:00:00
Short Yoga Class - All Inversions

This short 22 minute class contains a few rounds of sun salutations for a warm-up, and then all inversions, in which the head is lower than the heart. Postures included are headstand, shoulderstan…

Podcaster 2021-08-01 03:00:00
Yoga Peacock Posture - Mayurasana

This video demonstrated the classical yoga peacock posture, mayurasana. It has many benefits, including building strength in the wrists, arms, shoulders and back, and it also increases the digesti…

Podcaster 2021-06-27 03:00:00
Yoga Scorpion

Learn how to do the scorpion variation from the classical headstand posture. Good for building up strength in the arms and shoulders. For those who already have a strong headstand practice. Demons…

Podcaster 2021-06-13 03:00:00
Variations of Yoga Triangle for Flexibility

Practice several versions of the yoga triangle posture for extra flexibility - demonstration includes revolving lateral triangle for gaining flexibility in the spine and hips, and arms over the he…

Podcaster 2021-06-06 03:00:00
Variations of Yoga Tree for all Levels

A short demonstration of the classic yoga tree posture, showing different placements for the foot. For practitioners at all levels. Demonstrated by Jan. Camera: Nanda. Speaker: Sita.


Podcaster 2021-05-30 03:00:00
jan stand for bend hand positions

Add flexibility and variety to your yoga practice by trying different hand and arm positions that can be used during the standing forward bend yoga posture. For practitioners of all levels. Demons…

Podcaster 2021-05-02 03:00:00
Jan shooting bow

Learn how to do the intermediate/advanced yoga posture called the shooting bow with this video. A good variation for gaining flexibility in the hips. Demonstrated by Jan. Camera: Nanda. Speaker: S…

Podcaster 2021-04-25 03:00:00
ruth shoulderstand cycle with variations

The shoulderstand cycle rotates through more than one repetition of the shoulderstand - plow - bridge sequence. This video demonstrates two rounds of the cycle. The first time through without vari…

Podcaster 2021-04-04 03:00:00
ruth yoga therapy sound massage

Yoga Therapy adapts the process of yoga to the needs of the people with specific or persistent health problems not usually addressed in a group class. In this video, watch as sound massage, which…

Podcaster 2021-04-04 03:00:00
basic yoga class for men jan ravidas

This Basic Yoga Class is for men who already know a little bit about yoga. The class includes savasana (initial relaxation), sun salutations plus arm strength variations, headstand, shoulder stand…

Podcaster 2021-03-28 03:00:00
Katja standing spinal twist

This deceptively challenging posture has many benefits for beginners to advanced students. The standing spinal twist builds strength in the arms and shoulders, increases flexibility in the spine,…

Podcaster 2021-03-07 04:00:00
Variations of Yoga Bridge Posture

This video demonstrates several variations of the yoga bridge posture. From the normal bridge, the variations include leg lifts, walking the legs straight out, and holding the ankles for increased…

Podcaster 2021-03-07 04:00:00
Katja Yoga boat

The yoga boat is an excellent posture for strengthening the back in a more gentle way. Variations are shown on the same side of the body, on opposite sides of the body, and by lifting the arms and…

Podcaster 2021-02-28 04:00:00
Variations of Yoga Cat and Cow

The yoga Cat and Cow postures build strength and flexibility in the spine in a gentle way. Also demonstrated are variations lifting the arms and legs, which help with building strength. A good seq…

Podcaster 2021-02-21 04:00:00
Sun Salutation - Slowly exactly Motion
This Sun Salutation is suitable for beginners. Sun salutations or Surya Namaskar very slowly and exactly with detailed information. Kaivalya guides you through the 12 steps of the sun salutations, ex…
Podcaster 2021-01-02 04:00:00
Kakasana – several advanced varations of the Crow
Try the side Crow, a challenging Yoga Asana. Monika shows several variations of Kakasana, the Crow from different perspectives. The Crow helps to develop balance, concentration and strength. Commente…
Podcaster 2020-12-19 04:00:00
Yoga demonstration by the Portuguese Yoga Confederation at the European Yoga Congress 2016 in Durbuy
From 27th-29th May 2016 was the 2nd European Yoga Congress in Radhadesh, near Durbuy / Belgium. A Yoga Vidya Delegation together with Sukadev (the founder of Yoga Vidya) participated at this meeting…
Podcaster 2020-12-05 04:00:00
Jógaóra Középhaladóknak 2 - Intermediate-level yogaclass in Hungarian
Jógaóra Középhaladóknak 2. - Az Ászanák mint imádság Ezen a jógaórán összekötheted a Hatha Jógát a Bhakti Jógával. A Hatha Jóga jót tesz a testi-lelki egészségnek és felébreszti a benned szunnyadó r…
Podcaster 2020-11-21 04:00:00
Yoga - Curso Principiantes - Yoga en Español
Te presentamos esta breve introducción al Yoga, dedicada especialmente para principiantes. En él podrás formarte una pequeña idea de en qué consiste la práctica del Yoga y cómo te puede beneficiar. U…
Podcaster 2020-11-07 04:00:00
Yoga Vidya - Europe’s leading Yoga Retreat Centre

Yoga Vidya is a nonprofit organization whose aim is to spread the knowledge (vidya) of holistic Maitri Bhava Meditation mit Arjuna und Shakti

További videókat ès információkat a jògàròl, a meditàciòròl ès az ajurvèdàròl Ebben a meditációban összekapcsolódunk az Univerzális…
Podcaster 2020-10-17 03:00:00
Intermediate-level Yoga Class with Sabu – Sivananda Yoga
Classical intermediate-level yoga class in the Sivananda tradition with Sabu. A Yoga teacher from Canada. A complete yoga practice in 1 hour 50 minutes: English with german translation. Pranayama, su…
Podcaster 2020-10-03 03:00:00
Yoga Vidya Online Programm

Entwicklung und Weiterbildung ist und bleibt wichtig!

Und gerade deshalb möchte Yoga Vidya nun mithilfe von Onlin…

Podcaster 2020-10-03 02:59:00
Kalarippayat Impressions
Kai and Viktor show Kalarippayat impressions. Kalarippayat is an ancient Indian martial and healing arts. Kalarippayat is strongly influenced by the development of Yoga and Ayurveda. Our english webs…
Podcaster 2020-09-19 03:00:00
Swami Yogaswarupananda leads a Japa with three mantras
During his visit at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg Swami Yogaswarupananda, from the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, leads a Japa meditati…
Podcaster 2020-09-05 03:00:00

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