
Aus Yogawiki

Hier eine Liste von Tastaturkürzel, die hier im Wiki in manchen Browsern funktionieren.

Normalerweise drückt man Alt Shift + Buchstabe und kann dann ohne den Umweg der Maus eine Reihe von Befehlen ausführen. (manchmal reicht auch Alt + Buchstabe)

Besonders interessant sind:

  • S Speichern
  • U Upload (Bilder hochladen)
  • F Finden (führt zum Suchfeld)
  • E Edit (Artikel editieren)

Default Shortcuts

This is the list of default shortcuts. The first column should be self-explanatory in most situations. If you find that it isn't, please feel free to edit this section for future users.

To get the shortcuts, press the "accesskey" of your system (see comments above on how to get the "accesskey" of your system), then press the shortcut character shown in the second column in the table below. For example, if Alt was the accesskey of your system, to login, press Alt and then the character o; your browser should then automatically be pointed to the login page.

accesskey name keyboard key
accesskey-addsection +
accesskey-anontalk n
accesskey-anonuserpage .
accesskey-article a
accesskey-compareselectedversions v
accesskey-contributions ?
accesskey-currentevents ?
accesskey-delete d
accesskey-edit e
accesskey-emailuser ?
accesskey-help ?
accesskey-history h
accesskey-login o
accesskey-logout o
accesskey-mainpage z
accesskey-minoredit i
accesskey-move m
accesskey-mycontris y
accesskey-mytalk n
accesskey-portal ?
accesskey-preferences ?
accesskey-preview p
accesskey-protect =
accesskey-randompage x
accesskey-recentchanges r
accesskey-recentchangeslinked c
accesskey-save s
accesskey-search f
accesskey-sitesupport ?
accesskey-specialpage ?
accesskey-specialpages q
accesskey-talk t
accesskey-undelete d
accesskey-unwatch w
accesskey-upload u
accesskey-userpage .
accesskey-viewsource e
accesskey-watch w
accesskey-watchlist l
accesskey-whatlinkshere b
accesskey-wikibase g

The list above is targeted at International/English users, therefore it's ordered by the name of the function, not by the key.

The site's global access keys are in the corresponding JavaScript for the skins. For example, in older versions of MediaWiki, the keys for Monobook were defined in the (protected) page MediaWiki:Monobook.js, which has been deprecated (i.e., no longer in use in newer versions of MediaWiki). For MediaWiki 1.10.1, the access keys are defined in the file wiki/skins/common/wikibits.js as noted above. The file Monobook.js does not exist any more in newer versions of MediaWiki.